Wild ideas

Different things that I think are neat ideas but kind of out of the ordinary.

Friday, February 24, 2006

GOD does that look good. The ribbon ofchocolate and the declate traces. Posted by Picasa

Mid cake seperation with fruit... Looks good to me... Not the typical "flowers" all over or anything. Adds a little natural sweetness to the artificial. Posted by Picasa

GOLD! I kept this one for the shear humor of it... Talk about over kill of the eyes. Posted by Picasa

Simple design all across the board... I really like because it makes you think of small doorways all the way around. Posted by Picasa

Pretty & delecate and fairly traditional Posted by Picasa

I haven't figured out if the stripes are ribbon or icing... and if the latter what are the BALLS? Posted by Picasa

One selection with live flowers and a fountain. Posted by Picasa

OK yeah, you can tellI kept this for memory of something extremely weird but yet fun. Posted by Picasa

Cupcake cake... SIMPLE... Need and WOW Posted by Picasa

Just really neat I thought.. Almost too intense but still intricate enough to keep a photo of Posted by Picasa

LOVE the shape and the design is simple but delecate. Very appealing (and small enough it will feed a small group. Posted by Picasa

Beautiful and yet simple the black one white is VERY attractive and eye catchign but at the same time very simple design it doesnt really. Posted by Picasa

Very pretty and at the same time again very simple. Posted by Picasa

Edible flowers... and looks like CHOCOLATE what more could a person want? Posted by Picasa

I like the flowers on tope and on each tear.. but the swirls seem to over kill Posted by Picasa

I have always been a big fan of the "silver balls" as a kid I used to sneak in the kitchen and eat them despite they were PURE surgar and hard as a rock. Posted by Picasa

VERY ornate and bright... Very pretty... but I wouldn't eat it.. Would you? Posted by Picasa

The basket weave is really neet but the weaving along the edges clashes with the theme. Posted by Picasa